Coaching in Organizations

How is Coaching being used in Industry? Many of us would link the term ‘Coaching’ with Sport and would be surprised to hear if any team or top athlete did not have a Coach. So why therefore should business not be the same? This is exactly what some of the Sports Coaches and Business LeadersContinue reading “Coaching in Organizations”

How does ICF define coaching?

ICF defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. Professional coaching focuses on setting goals, creating outcomes and managing personal change.  

All about focus and choices

Balance is about focus in what really is important for each of us. It’s necessary to emphasize here that “balance” takes place in the midst of action. Balance is not the same as equilibrium; it is not about having the same weight on each component of our life. Equal parts of family, work, recreation, etc.,Continue reading “All about focus and choices”

What do clients want?

Clients participate in coaching programs for severals reasons but their common answer is because they want things to be different. They are looking for change or they have important goals to reach in their personal and professional areas. Some examples: Some of them are motivated to achieve specific goals like: to start a business, toContinue reading “What do clients want?”

Meditation makes us more productive!

Peter Bregman explain that “Meditation brings many benefits: It refreshes us, helps us settle into what’s happening now, makes us wiser and gentler, helps us cope in a world that overloads us with information and communication, and more”. In a simple sentence,  Meditation makes us more productive. “How? By increasing your capacity to resist distracting urges”. IContinue reading “Meditation makes us more productive!”

Strong leadership is crucial for social enterprises

Leadership in social enterprise relies on ethics, integrity and expertise which one might expect, but also on empathy and passion. These latter traits are often forgotten when we talk about leadership in the corporate world, but without these traits leaders in our sector struggle to make a positive impact, rarely establish strong support systems andContinue reading “Strong leadership is crucial for social enterprises”

Authentic Leadership: What value do you want to create in the world today?

My favourite definition of Leadership is the one described by Kevin Cashman in his powerful book, “Leadership From the Inside Out”. After 20 years of wrestling with the question, Cashman came to the realization that Leadership is authentic self-expression that creates value. Leadership from this perspective is about expressing our true selves. This type of resonantContinue reading “Authentic Leadership: What value do you want to create in the world today?”